The ASEAN Centre for Active Ageing and Innovation (ACAI) is an ASEAN centre to enhance better life quality of ageing and well prepare ASEAN to be ready for ageing society in the future.
The Centre is another deliverable of Thailand’s ASEAN Chairmanship under the theme of “Advancing Partnership for Sustainability”.
30th ASEAN Summit Meeting in Manila, Philippines Welcomed Thailand's efforts to establish the ACAI
14th ASEAN SOMHD Meeting in Siem Reap, Cambodia Endorsed the ACAI Agreement, It will be subjected to internal processes within AMS
Open Ceremony of ACAI & F Academic meeting during the 35+ ASEAN Summit in Thailand
the Agreement of Establishment have beensigned by all 10 member
Consultative Meeting on the Establishment Agreement of ACAL in Bangkok, Thailand
7st ACAI PREP workshop in Bangkok, Thailand Situation and aged society policy of AMS, prioritize the target issues of ACAI
Open Ceremony of ACAI & F Academic meeting during the 35+ ASEAN Summit in Thailand